Azerbaijan arrested 26 members of Islamic State

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced the detention of 26 Azerbaijani citizens accused of involvement in the composition of combat units of the "Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant" and other illegal armed groups.

According to the report from DHS, as a result of search operations on suspicion of creating and participating in illegal armed groups, supplying them with arms and ammunition, military equipment, to attract minors to violent crimes there were arrested a total of 26 Azerbaijani citizens - Yusifov Firdovsi, Soltanov Taleh, Gasanli Vilayat, Musayev Malik, Hajiyev Vasif, Babazadeh Ilkin, Balakishiev Mehman, Mustafayev Ruslan, Mammadov Namig, Muradov Faril, Hasanov Tural, Aliyev Elvin, Mustafayev Tariel, Qambarov Azer, Bayramov Vusal, Hashimov Samir, Abbasov Nijat, Mammadov Huseyn, Jafarov Ruslan, Bakhishov Sanan, Guliyev Eldost, Mammadaliyev Mamedshah, Hasanov Ahmed, Mardanov Maarif, Dursunaliev Vugar and Gurbanly Elshan.

On the facts the main investigation department of the Ministry of National Security started prosecution under articles 12.1, 279.1 (creation and participation in illegal armed groups outside of Azerbaijan) and 170.3 (involvement of minors in criminal activity). In respect of these individuals the courts selected arrest.

The investigation established that Firdovsi Yusifov and Taleh Soltanov participated in an illegal armed formation in Pakistan.

Yusifov after serving in the middle of 2011 in Iran, and from there illegally moved to the province Vaziristan in Pakistan, where he was appointed emir of the group Tayfatul Mansur (is subordinate to the armed group Tahriki Taliban).

Soltanov the same way moved to Pakistan in late 2012 and joined the armed detachments Seyfulla which is also a member of Tahriki Taliban.

Soltanov also took to Pakistan his wife and mother in law.

Soltanov and Yusifov acquainted in Pakistan in August 2013, and decided to head to Syria to participate in the fighting. However, when illegally crossing the Pakistani-Iranian border they were detained by local law enforcement agencies and in April 2014 were extradited to Azerbaijan.

However, the wife and mother-in-law of Soltanov by appointment were transferred to Syria.

Hasanli Vilayat, Musayev Malik, Hajiyev Vasif, Babazadeh Ilkin, Balakishiyev Mehman, Mustafayev Ruslan, Mammadov Namig, Muradov Faril, Hasanov Tural, Aliyev Elvin, Mustafayev Tariel, Gambarov Azer, Bayramov Vusal, Hashimov Samir, Abbasov Nijat, Mammadov Huseyn, Jafarov Ruslan, Bakhishov Sanan, Guliyev Eldost, Mammadaliyev Mamedshah, Hasanov Ahmed and Mardanov Maarif from 2013 to 2014 participated in the illegal armed groups in Syria.

Vugar Dursunaliev involved his 15-year-old son Elvin to Syria to participate in hostilities. The teenager was a part in the illegal armed groups in Syria from December 2013 to April 2014.

Elshan Gurbanly together with others in May 2014 left for Turkey, and then illegally moved to Syria and joined the formation of Islamic State to participate in military operations in Iraq and Syria. After that he joined the illegal armed formation Azeri Jamaat headed by an "emir" nicknamed Khatam, whose identity is established by the investigation.

Ongoing are investigative-operational measures to investigate all the circumstances of the criminal case and the establishment of other participants of illegal actions.

The report also reminds that for the creation of and participation in illegal armed formations and their supply penalties are provided of up to 20 years of imprisonment or life imprisonment. -016D06--

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