Bakcell announces start of next «Smart Start» internship program

Bakcell, The First Mobile Operator and The Leading Mobile Internet Provider of Azerbaijan announcesopening of new season of "Smart Start" internship program, created for youngsters, students and graduates aged 18-25.

This is a very exciting opportunity to gain valuable experience within various departments of a telecom industry by working alongside our professional staff.

As per tradition, company’sinternship opportunities are open to people at different stages of their career.This paid internship will last from July to September 2016 with 5 working  days perweek.

All applications must be received from April 20 to May 10, 2016.In the preliminary selection process that will run from 16 May to 16 June 2016, applicants will be invited to test & group interviews.

Starting from 17 June,the intern selection committee will conduct personal and area interviewswith all suitable candidates. This process will end on 27 June and successful candidates of “Smart Start”program will be announced on 1 July 2016. 

Prior to commencement of internship program all selected candidateswill be required to attendinternal training provided by Bakcell.

The actual program will start 1 July and finish 1 September 2016.

During these 2 months interns will be actively involved intothe day-to-day operations of the company being a key member of friendly office.

To apply for this role candidate must complete an application on the following link:

In 2015 over 2000 applications for the participation in the "Smart Start" internship program were submitted to Bakcell. 688 had Call Interviews, 480 were selected to undergo test and group interviews. Out of them 190 were invited to personal interviews, 32 have passed successfully and participated in the program.The most active and perspective 3interns who had successfully completed the program gained opportunity to be employed by Bakcell.


About Bakcell

Bakcell, The First Mobile Operator and the Leading Mobile Internet Provider of Azerbaijan, offers a variety of products for modern mobile communications customers. Bakcell provides class leading 3G and 4G mobile internet experience in the country under the Sür@ brand name.

With more than 5300 base stations Bakcell’s network covers more than 99% of the population and 93% of the land area of the country (excluding occupied territories). Bakcell is a leader in innovation and it focuses on bringing the best of the mobile internet to Azerbaijanis through new partnerships and its Sür@ services. Bakcell 3G service is available in all regions of Azerbaijan and covers 93% of population.

For more information about Bakcell products and services, please visit or call 555.For press releases please see (or for press releases in English).

If you are not a Bakcell subscriber, but wish to find out about Bakcell and its services, please call 055 000 05 55

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