Caspian Ecology Violators Punished

Baku / 27.06.19 / Turan: The employees of the Ministry of Environment and the General Directorate of Public Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs conducted joint raids on the Caspian coast to monitor compliance with environmental protection.

As stated in a joint report of the Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, during the audit it was found that the recreation centers Duygu, Liman, Atlantida, Naringala and Flagman discharge wastewater into the sea without treatment.

Protocols on violation of the law were drawn up against the responsible persons of these objects and each object was fined 2,500 AZN.

In addition, a "compulsory decision" was made with respect to the owners of the objects, obliging the installation of the treatment facilities.

A petition was submitted to the Sumgait Administrative and Economic Court to suspend the activities of the facilities until they install waste treatment equipment. -06D--

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