Cəmil Məmmədli

Cəmil Məmmədli

Baku/17.01.23/Turan: A criminal case has been initiated against Jamil Mammadli, a freelance journalist working in the Khachmaz region. He himself told Turan about it.

The reason for the criminal investigation was an incident on 15 December in Khachmaz, when a car in which Mammadli was travelling collided with another car.

"In the course of the proceedings, we correctly interacted with a driver of the other car that hit us. However, he tried to provoke a fight and I had to defend myself," Mammadli said.

However, police officers at the scene did not intervene.  "When the fight started, they videotaped it," Mammadli said. Five days later, he learned that a criminal case had been opened.

"They opened a criminal case under Article 221.2 (hooliganism committed by a group of people).  On January 16 I was summoned to the Khachmaz region police department to be charged. However, due to the absence of my lawyer in the region, I was told to come today.

Today I've come to Baku to go to the Interior Ministry, however, I was not received," Mammadli said.

He believes a provocation has been committed against him, behind which is the head of the Guba region, on whose suit he had earlier been sentenced to correctional work.

"In 2021, he wanted to have me arrested, but he failed then, and now he has fabricated the case," Mamedli said.

The Interior Ministry's press office confirmed to Turan that Khachmaz police is investigating the case.

Medzhidov is faced with up to three years of imprisonment. -06В-

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