Day of Ashura - List of Mosques for Blood Collection Campaign Announced

 The Caucasian Muslims Office (CMO) press service announced a list of mosques that will run a campaign to collect blood on the Day of Ashura - the 10th of mourning in the Shiite Muslim month of Muharram. 

The campaign will take place in the following mosques: "Taza Pir", "Haji Sultanali", "Bibiheybat", "Juma" (in Icherisheher) and "Haji Ajderbey." It is assumed that the campaign will be held in mosques in the villages of Keshla and Garachukhur, as well as at the tomb of Mirmovsumaga.

In Sumgait, the campaign will be carried out in the "Juma" mosque, in Ganja - «Imamzade", in Mingechevir - "Haydar", in Sheki - "Juma», Lankaran - «Boyuk Bazaar" and in Barda at the «Juma" mosque. -05D04- 


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