Heat to Subside a Little

On Sunday, in Baku and Absheron sunny weather is expected. A north wind will blow, changed by a moderate northeast wind during the day.

The air temperature will be + 21 + 25 at night and + 31 + 35 by day, the Ministry of Environment forecasters reported.

The sea water temperature will be +25 +26 on the beaches in Sumgait, Novkhani, Pirshagi, Nardaran, Bilgah and Zagulba, +26 +27 in Buzovna, Mardakan and Shuvelan, and +28 +29 in Turkan, Hovsan, Sahil and Shikhovo.

In areas of the country the weather will also be without precipitation. In low-lying areas the air temperature will be + 20 + 25 at night and + 34 + 39 by day. In the mountains it will be + 15 + 20 at night and + 25 + 30 in the daytime.

In the following days, no major changes are expected.

It should be noted that throughout August, with a few exceptions, the air temperature has kept at +40 Centigrade in Azerbaijan. -06D--

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