Açiq mənbələrdən foto.

Açiq mənbələrdən foto.

Baku / 28.12.20 / Turan: With the introduction of compulsory health insurance in Azerbaijan from 2021, citizens will be able to use the services of family doctors. This is stated in the message of the State Agency for Compulsory Health Insurance on December 28.

According to the information, a family doctor (district general practitioner, district pediatrician) is a specialist who provides the insured with primary health care services.

“With the exception of urgent and emergency medical care, a citizen should first of all turn to a family doctor in connection with a health concern.

After examination / treatment by a family doctor, if specialized medical care is needed, the patient will be given an appropriate referral, ”the press release says.

To choose a family doctor, the insured must contact the nearest public health institution in the place of residence (polyclinic / health center / rural medical center).

The insured is free to choose a family doctor or change him. However, it is not allowed to apply to 2 or more medical institutions for registration. A citizen can change the registration office after one year.   — 05D06-


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