

Baku/27.12.22/Turan: On Monday, after a long break due to the illness of the lawyer of the prosecution, the trial continued in the Baku Serious Crimes Court. The plaintiff, businessperson Afgan Zeynalov, accuses the head of the personnel department of his company, Nelly Fabrichnaya, of stealing 720,000 manats allegedly belonging to him. The amount appears in dollars but is expressed in manats.

Zeynalov owns “Murov TSK” LLC. This company performs construction contracts for CJSC “Dəmiryol.” Previously, the same Zeynalov owned another company that worked with the “Agency for Highways.” As a result of cooperation with road workers, Zeynalov was convicted in the past by the Lankaran Court for serious crimes. Fabrichnaya is kept in a pre-trial detention center, where she was transferred from home confinement at the request of her former boss.

On Monday, it became known that Zeynalov terminated the contract with the former lawyer Irada Jafarova, now the lawyer Ilham Hasanov defends him. She intends to call the witnesses, who have already testified, to the court again for new questions. From the words of Judge Faik Ganiev, it also followed that the court applied to the prosecutor's office with a request to investigate how the witness Rauf Zeynalov got access to the materials of the criminal case against Fabrichnaya.

The new lawyer asked the witness Dilara Karimova so many questions that no time left to hear the next witnesses, and the judge had to stop questioning Karimova due to the lack of connection between the questions and the substance of the case. Unexpectedly, Karimova, former girlfriend of Fabrichnaya, presented new circumstances unknown to those present: she said twice stated that Fabrichnaya used to tell her about Zeynalov's sensual attitude towards her. In addition to a salary amounting one and a half thousand (in manats), the boss even presented her gold jewelry.

Karimova also recalled conversations, in which Fabrichnaya told her about the theft of funds in the company, and the suspicion of Zeynalov's brother, who, along with the cleaner, could steal this money. According to Karimova, the company wanted to accuse Nelli Fabrichnaya of stealing money, and over time, the amount of allegedly missing funds increased from $200,000 to $300,000, then to $400,000. According to Karimova, from conversations with Nelly, she learned that Nelly helped to the cleaner of the company named Mehriban.

Dilara Karimova borrowed money from Nelly, but when she learned about the problem in the company, and especially after rude telephone questions from the police, she returned the entire amount, and asked Fabrichnaya to stop relations with her. Karimova said that she had nothing to do with the financial problems of the “Murov” company, she did not receive the stolen money under any circumstances and was not interested in this story.

The witness confirmed the personal relationship between Nelli and Rauf Zulfugarov, whom Nelli helped with money. But she does not know what amount is involved.

The flow of questions was interrupted by indignant Afgan Zeynalov. He accused the judge of turning the trial in favor of the accused. The judge met Zeynalov's claims with irony. Judge Faik Ganiev denied the plaintiff's allegations. Earlier, Zeynalov made an oral petition to return the case for pre-trial investigation.

The trial continues...

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Prosecutor Zeynalov asks the court to return the case for a new investigation

In the Serious Crimes Court, the prosecutor threatened the witness in the presence of the judge

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