Press Review - 12/06/12


Official newspapers focus on the CIS summit in Ashgabat. Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev allocated AZN 5 million to socio-economic development in the Hajigabul district.


Azadlig considers the appointment of deputy head of the presidential administration as the transfer of their powers of control over the ministries and departments, indicating a weakening of the position of Ramiz Mehdiyev and "final seizure of power”.


Lawyers regard the extension of the detention of the brother of the PFPA leader Ali Kerimli - Elnur Seidov as pressure on the political activities of the leader of the opposition party.


The newspaper cited expert analysis and noted that divided government, mass discontent, and a tough stance by the international community is essential for the "collapse of the Aliyev regime."


The front desk manager of the MIA Hospital Habib Mammadov was arrested. 


Zerkalo observed that Azerbaijan placed in 139th position in the ranking of perceived corruption by Transparency International. It notes that resisting corruption should not be treated as campaigning.


Echo: In October and November 2012, Georgia recorded 13 attacks on Azerbaijani families.


Commenting on the latest report from Transparency International, Novoye Vremya notes, "the Azerbaijani corruption is most dynamic in the world."


The newspaper, in response to the head of the EU mission Roland Kobia who said that Ilham Aliyev has the best chance in the presidential election of 2013, wryly notes: "Mr. Kobia, do not jump the gun.”


Bizim Yol: Ilham Aliyev will give broad powers to the deputy heads of the administration.


The newspaper observed Ilham Aliyev’s refusal to take part in the CIS summit in Ashgabat, explaining that the Azerbaijani President was reluctant to meet with the leader of Armenia. Azerbaijan is experiencing tension with Russia and Turkmenistan.


Yeni Musavat regards Aliyev’s refusal to participate in the Ashgabat summit as "splashing the tension out."

Appointment of deputy heads of the presidential administration is aimed at strengthening control over ministries and preparation for weaning the ministers of their business.

Opposition politicians expressed displeasure with Kobia’s statement that the most preferred electoral chances in 2013 belong to Ilham Aliyev.

Cemetery prices have increased in Baku. The most expensive tomb location is 100 manat.


Baki Khabar: Russia and Iran want to come up with a unified position on the negotiations on the status of the Caspian Sea. The newspaper describes it as "Caspian game between Moscow and Tehran." -0 -


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