Restricting the freedom of the Internet increases

Azerbaijan intensified restrictions on the dissemination of information through the Internet independent media , as well as access to high-speed internet users . This conclusion can be drawn from the debate at the conference: "Digital rights - Prospects and Reality", held in Baku with the support of the Government of Canada.

The reality is that the Azerbaijani government is stepping up pressure on the active users, critical journalists, bloggers and refuses to cooperate with the independent local NGOs in the development of Internet media by international standards.

All the officials invited to the conference ignored it, said one of the organizers - the head of the Institute for Reporters Freedom and Safety Emin Huseynov.

Self-censorship becomes a major scourge of Azerbaijani Internet space as a result of the prosecution by the authorities. This could include the arrests of journalists and bloggers on charges of possession of drugs and weapons, says the lawyer of IRFS Gunay Ismailova.

One of those who was periodically intimidated by the security services and the police, the leader of the satirical website Sanchag Mehman Huseynov noted that there has been pressure in the form of bribery and intimidation attempts.

After a pause in 2009, when the bloggers Adnan Hajizadeh and Emin Milli were arrested, the pressure on bloggers was renewed in 2013. Rashad Ramazanov, Zaur Gurbanly, Ilgar Mamedov, Tofig Yagublu and others were arrested. After the interrogation by the police, the blogger Nulfer Suleimanova committed suicide. This was preceded by legislative tougher penalties for libel on the Internet.

On the other hand the government is doing everything to ensure that the Internet in Azerbaijan was inferior in quality to international standards and was not available.

The lawyer of the international organization IREX Alasgar Mammadov noted in Azerbaijan there is massive violation of the rights of consumers, because in many places, especially in the provinces, people are deprived of access to high-speed Internet.

Rashid Hajily, Director of the Institute of Media reported that in some countries, such as Holland and Estonia, to create equal conditions for access to the Internet is enshrined in law.

Mammadov spoke for inclusion of the online into the list of universal services such as electricity, water, gas, and telephone.

Tightening is becoming a trend and this is activated by the country's parliament, which has banned the use of smartphones in its building first by reporters and then by the MPs. This trend is spreading to other entities, said Hajili.

Emin Huseynov admitted that to protect freedom of the Internet space, especially in social networks, is becoming increasingly difficult. -0 –


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