The trial in the case of the financial director of the newspaper Azadlig

Baku / 19.05.17 / Turan: A preparatory trial in the case of financial director of the newspaper Azadlig Faig Amirov began on Friday . Hearings on the merits are scheduled for 11:30 on the first of June in Sabail district court, under the chairmanship of Ayten Aliyeva. Faig Amirov was detained on August 20, 2016 under Articles: 168.1 (infringements on the rights of citizen ns under the pretext of performing religious rites) and 283.2.2 (inciting inter-religious, interethnic, interracial and social hostility in the media). On April 17, 2017, new charges were brought against him: under articles 213.1 (tax evasion) and 308 (abuse of official authority). However, as a result of the preliminary investigation, Articles 168.1 and 308 were dropped. Attorneys at the embassies of the United States, France, the Federal Republic of Germany, EU missions, leaders of the Popular Front Party, human rights activists and representatives of the public attended the trial. However, not everyone could fit in the hall. The lawyers petitioned to hold a trial in the spacious hall. However, the judge stated that there are no such halls in the court. The defense also applied for a video recording of the trial, the release of Amirov from a glass cage and being near lawyers, the cessation of criminal proceedings and the acquittal of the accused.

Prosecutor Vusal Abdullayev opposed all petitions. Lawyers Fakhraddin Mehdiyev and Agil Lajev stated that there was no judicial perspective, far-fetched and politically motivated charges. "Of the 27 volumes of the criminal case, 26.9 are narrated about the newspaper Azadlig. Amirov was told nothing about accusations. This criminal case is so ridiculous that the European Court of Human Rights immediately began to communicate under Article 5 (the right to liberty and security of the person)," said lawyer Laidjev. In turn, Mehdiyev argued in favor of falsifying the case. "At first it was claimed that religious books and CD were found in Amirov's car. But then they realized that the book was officially published, and its author was a competent person, and this episode was withdrawn from the case.

Concerning the Article 283.2.2, the lawyer said that even if the investigation presents Amirov as an imam, there is no crime in his actions. The investigation did not provide any evidence or publication that testifies to the incitement of enmity by Amirov-religious, racial or national, lawyers said. Amirov was not an official and presented his labor contract to a judge, where it is stated that Amirov performs courier and other technical functions. The investigation calculated the tax debt on the basis of the newspaper's price without taking into account editorial, printed and other expenses, as well as the return of unsold newspapers. Despite the fact that the Azadlig newspaper was sold for the last year for 60, and earlier - for 40 gyapiks, the editorial staff accrued tax debts based on the price of 60 gyapiks. The total amount of debt is calculated in the amount of 39000 manats. At the same time, the lawyer Mehdiyev presented the judge an invoice for the debt of Gasid firm to the Azadlig newspaper amounting AZN 69,000.

"If the state firm "Gasid" does not return the money of the editorial staff, how can it have a tax debt? The newspaper has no debt and the calculations were not carried out correctly," said the lawyer. Amirov's presentation by the imam caused laughter in the hall. Protection also drew attention to Amirov's illnesses. "Amirov suffers from diseases of the stomach, gall bladder. He is married. He has two young children, he was not previously convicted. He has no opportunity to hide from the investigation, put pressure on him. No one saw which mosque the "Imam" visited. The investigation has no evidence of Amirov's activity in inciting hatred. There are all grounds for releasing Amirov and changing the measure of restraint," said Laidzhev. Amirov said during a break to a correspondent of Turan that he was given medications that did not help him. In prison it is impossible to keep a diet. "Probably the next I will be operated on a gallbladder," Amirov said. In support of his poor condition, he took a cellophane bag from his pocket, which he kept ready because of constant nausea. The next trial is scheduled for June 1. -03C06-

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