Trial in the case of journalist Afgan Sadigov begins in Jalilabad

Court hearing in the case of journalist Afgan Sadigov scheduled for November 30 in Jalilabad region, has been postponed. The trial was postponed at the request the lawyer Elchin Sadigov to get acquainted with the case. The meeting was postponed to 15: 00 on December 1st, the lawyer told Turan.

Sadigov met with the defendant, who said that he was arrested for his professional activity, namely for publicizing the facts of lawlessness in the  region, and pleads not guilty.

 The founder and editor of the site "" A.Sadigov was arrested on November 22,  and was charged under Article 127.2.3 (deliberate causing of less serious harm to health dangerous way of hooliganism) of the Criminal Code.

The talk is about the incident in August in the building of the Executive Power of the region. Then, in the hallway,  the journalist was attacked by the woman, and then the police

Recorded the incident as damage to health.

Investigators believe that the woman, Alia Rzayeva, allegedly received a concussion.

 She introduced herself as a journalist of the newspaper "Ecology", although  the case file shows that the victim does not know how to read and write in Latin script.

In addition, according to the protection, she used to be a  "victim" in this type of ordered  cases  many times, where someone  is to be imprisoned by the order from the top. -06B-

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