Why there are no official reports of mass gas poisoning in Lokbatan

From Lokbatan settlement conflicting information is received about the consequences of yesterday's mass poisoning of the population with gas. According to local residents, at least two people died of poisoning. This information has not been confirmed by official sources.
At the same time, despite more than 15 hours passed since the poisoning, neither the Ministry of Health, nor SOCAR (Azerigaz is its entity), nor MES spread official information.
The press service of the General Prosecutor told Turan that investigators are conducting an investigation at the scene.
The Republican Toxicological Center told Turan that the institution received 43 people poisoned in Lokbatan. They all received medical treatment, after which they were sent home.
Representatives of Azerigaz at the scene said that according to preliminary information the poisoning was caused by the above normal concentration of odorant added to the gas.
This chemical compound is added to the gas or air to impart a characteristic odor.
Odorants are used for inspections of dangerous gas leaks in gas distribution systems by smell.
Odorants are added to gas at such low concentrations that it does not pose a threat to health. However, in high concentrations, odorants are toxic. -03B-.

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