Dear readers and subscribers, you know that from September 1, the agency was forced to largely suspend its work. This was the result of the initiation of the criminal case of the Ministry of Taxes on the far-fetched charge of tax evasion and the arrest of Mehman Aliyev, the Agency Director. In the period August-September 2017, Turan experienced the most difficult period of its 27 years of history, but survived. The details of this will be described, but today we can confidently say that we could not strangle the freedom of speech.

This would not have been possible, if not universal support of the public - political and public figures, parliament deputies, intellectuals, fellow journalists and ordinary citizens. Turan would not have survived, if not the broad and active support of international organizations, and especially the "Reporters without Borders", who took on the mission of the coordinator of this support. Dozens of human rights and journalistic organizations, members of the international coalition, also raised their voice in our defense. Every possible support was rendered to us by the activists of the Azerbaijani emigration, to the best of their ability, who raised issues of freedom of speech in various instances.

We would like to note the position of the US State Department, the Foreign Ministry of Norway, France, Britain and the European Union, the German ombudsman. We would like to note the personal steps of the Secretary General of the Council of Europe Thornbjörn Jagland and the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Press, Arlem Desire, the Council of Europe rapporteurs on Azerbaijan Stefan Schennac and César Preda.

Our special thanks to the US congressmen and senators: McCain, Smith, McGovern, Durbin, Rubio, Hoyer, who took a tough and principled stance.

And of course a big thanks to our lawyers team !

Dear readers, the "black September" is behind us, and we hope that the remaining problems of the agency will go with him. We believe that the trumped-up lawsuit will be closed. With this faith, we will resume our work on October 1 as before.

Thanks to everyone who was with us!--0--

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