Has Azerbaijan occupied the territory of Armenia?

Baku/06.10.22/Turan: On October 4, at a hearing in the European Parliament, a number of deputies demanded that EU High Commissioner for International Affairs Josep Borrell take sanctions against Azerbaijan. These demands were substantiated by allegations of "Azerbaijan's aggression against Armenia".

In response, Josep Borrell said that "Azerbaijan has occupied some territories of Armenia, and this is absolutely unacceptable." He stressed that the European Union demands that Baku withdraw its troops and investigate the recently released video of the execution of prisoners.

Meanwhile, the “Haykakan Zhamanak” newspaper, which is edited by Anna Hakobyan, the wife of Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, reported, citing informed sources, that Azerbaijan sets five main requirements for Armenia for peace.

During the negotiations, Baku demanded the dissolution of the "Defense Army" of local Armenians, the recognition of Karabakh as part of Azerbaijan without any autonomy, that is, with a zero status; give a corridor through the territory of Armenia; carry out delimitation and demarcation of the border on the basis of maps of 1919 and 1920; provide information about the fate of 4,000 missing Azerbaijanis during the First Karabakh War.

Ex-Minister of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan Tofig Zulfugarov talks about the course of the Azerbaijani-Armenian negotiations in the "Difficult Question" program.

According to him, Armenia has been carrying out a series of military and informational provocations against Azerbaijan for about a month now. And it is felt that not only Armenia is behind all this.

“The information war waged by Armenia against Azerbaijan has reached a new level after the visit of Speaker of the House of Representatives of the US Congress Nancy Pelosi to Yerevan,” Zulfugarov noted, adding that her visit, as one of the largest functionaries of the US Democratic Party to Yerevan, was unofficial and was committed as part of the election campaign (mid-term elections to Congress will be held on November 6 - approx. Ed.)

The diplomat noted that Pelosi's visit was paid for by the ANCA (Armenian National Committee of America), which spent about $140 million on it.

“If we follow the various speeches made after that, we will see that one idea runs through them - the imposition of sanctions against Azerbaijan. And if sanctions are imposed on Azerbaijan, it is clear that they will primarily affect energy exports,” he stressed.

In his opinion, the main goal of distributing the notorious video with the execution of prisoners is to raise a propaganda wave and, against this background, achieve discussion in the European Parliament, where the main demand should be made - the imposition of sanctions!

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