What does the audio recording of the deceased colonel testify to?

Baku/24.10.22/Turan: An audio recording of a speech of the deputy commander of the corps, Colonel Babek Samidli, who was posthumously awarded the Order of Victory, medals "For the Motherland" , "For the liberation of Sugovushan", who was blown up by a mine  on November 23, a few days after the end of the war,  was made public.

It is believed that the recording was made shortly after the war and a few days before the death of Babak Samidli. The audio recording was broadcast by Meydan TV. In it, Babek Samidli talks about the shortcomings in the army and its leadership during the war. One gets the feeling that he is reporting to someone in this record. But, before whom - it is not clear. For several days now, this audio recording has been the subject of discussions on social networks.

What does this record show?

The military journalist Sahavat Mammad talks about this in the "Difficult Question" program.

According to him, this audio recording contains detailed information about the shortcomings in the army that appeared during the war. True, Babek Samidli did not say anything new, all this was known before.

“However, this does not detract from the value of the assessment given by Babek Samidli. It lies in the fact that it was given not by a journalist, but by a professional officer who had combat experience and held a fairly high position,” Mammad said.

In his opinion, Samidli's revelations directly indicate that there were serious problems in the army.

“The most important thing is that the Supreme Commander was informed of an underestimated number of our forces. This alone is enough to understand what was planned and what should have happened…,” the journalist said, recalling that once there was information that the Azerbaijani Army would launch an offensive in the Aghdam direction or, according to another plan, in the Kelbajar direction.

“Even during the war, information was spread that the direction of the main attack would be in the Agdam direction. The Armenian side was ready for this. The Armenians created a defense system in depth. And its overcoming in the Agdam direction was possible only at the expense of colossal losses,” Mammad stressed.

According to him, from Samidli's revelations it follows that the command - Nejmeddin Sadigov and a number of other generals, trying to deceive the supreme commander, misled him.--0--

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