38,800 Tons of Cotton Picked

As of October 17, Azerbaijan gathered 38,893 tons of raw cotton, which is 16.1 thousand tons or 70% more than in the same period last year, the State Statistical Committee told Turan.

In connection with the ongoing rainy weather picking cotton is going slowly. It is expected that the harvest will grow after all the cotton harvesters purchased in the US enter the fields. Their delivery to the country has begun, Turan was told in the Ministry of Agriculture.

This year, cotton was planted on 52,057 hectares, 33,373 ha more than in 2015. In the past year 35.2 thousand tons of cotton were picked, 5.8 thousand tons less than in 2014.

The government expects to collect 100 thousand tons of cotton. However, everything will depend on weather conditions. ---08D

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