About 60% of seniors are aware of the potential of electronic services SSPF

More than 57 % of the respondents are users of electronic services provided through the Web-Site Social Protection Fund of Azerbaijan. This is revealed in the course of the next survey conducted on a virtual page of government structure .

As chairman Salim Muslumov yesterday in an interview to "Rossiyskaya Gazeta " (http://www.rg.ru/2013/09/24/muslimov.html), a database of individual registration is mandatory state social insurance includes information about more than 1.27 million pensioners , as well as 2.62 million workers paying social insurance contributions . To increase the performance and to change the ratio of the amount of contributions the total contribution rate of social insurance is 25 %, of which 22 % comes from the employer, and 3% is withheld from the employee's wages. The way out of the " shadow " money circulation and denial of workers' wages in envelopes may contribute to a progressive scale of equity participation of employers and workers - the higher the salary the employee, the higher the share of the payment of contributions. "Perhaps the new tariff structure Social Security will begin to apply since 2014," said Muslimov.

According to him, Azerbaijan introduction of mandatory funded component is fraught with risk , as introduced by the mixed distribution and storage system for calculating pensions . However, the country needs legislation in line with modern standards, taking into account the establishment of private pension funds. - 17D-


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