Addition to Salary of Tax Inspectors Growing

The Cabinet has increased the sources of income of the special fund set up for the social protection of employees of the Ministry of Taxes. The decision came into force not from the date of signing (Dec. 30), but from August 13 of last year.

According to the changes in the "rules of formation and use of extra-budgetary fund of the tax authorities," 50% of the revenues received by the state budget for the financial sanctions applied by the tax authorities are not the only source of income to the Fund. The Fund will receive 25% of the state fees for services and legal actions referred to in the law "On State Duty". In addition, the Fund will receive 20% of the VAT provided for in the "Rules of the VAT refund paid to foreign citizens for goods not purchased for production or commerce." According to the amendments, the purpose of the Fund expenditures has also increased. These funds will be spent on salaries, travel and vacation, as well as compensation in connection with temporary disability of tax authority employees.

The funds collected in the Fund will be also spent on social insurance contributions, administrative buildings leased by the Ministry of Taxes and participation in international events. ---08D

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