Allocations for education in the state budget for 2014 increased

Baku/21.10.13/Turan : In the draft 2014 state budget for education is allocated 1,653,445,192 manat, which is  by 123 02601 manat  more than in 2013.

158,653,570 manat will be allocated to pre-school and primary education,

 851 029 044 manat - for lower secondary and secondary education,

 43,230,390 manat - to boarding schools and special schools,

 78,614,372 manat - on vocational schools and high schools,

 32,978,063 manat - on higher education

 5,024,398 manat - for applied research in the areas of education,

 483 915 355 manat - for other services in the field of education.

The budget for 2013  provided for 1530482591 manat for education. -03D-


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