Approved Geographical Coordinates of Landslide Danger Zones in Baku and Absheron

Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers №56 from March 5, "On additional measures to identify areas of landslides and to limit construction work in these areas" approved maps indicating the geographical coordinates of the landslide danger zones in Baku and the Absheron peninsula. The Ministries of Emergency Situations, Environment and Natural Resources identified 8 zones of the kind (

According to the decision of the government, permission for construction works in landslide hazardous areas can be provided by the local executive authorities only in coordination with the two above-named ministries. Construction work can be carried out on the basis of projects, which take into account engineering measures in conformity with building regulations. In this case, the State Committee for Architecture and Urban Planning is to prepare and approve new rules and regulations for engineering work contemplated for construction projects in the areas of landslides.

The Ministries of Emergency Situations, Environment and Natural Resources are entrusted to continue research in the landslide areas on the Absheron peninsula and in other regions of the country to determine their geographic coordinates. The work is to be completed by the end of this year. ---08D

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