Approved Provisions of Three Structures of Agriculture Ministry

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev signed a decree approving the provisions of three structural units of the Ministry of Agriculture, which was formed this year after reorganization.

According to the provisions, the State Service for Agricultural Projects and Loan Management at the Ministry of Agriculture is the executive body for the assessment, financing, organization and execution of agricultural projects. The Service is also engaged in providing loans financed from the state budget through authorized credit organizations.

Another structure of the Ministry of Agriculture, State Inspectorate of Technical Supervision conducts state registration of agricultural machinery and the control of their technical condition and operation. According to the law "On State Duty," a stamp duty for that is 5 manat.

The State Service for Registration of Plant Varieties and Seed Control at the Ministry of Agriculture conducts the examination, testing, registration and protection of plant varieties and seed management and state control over the use of seeds. The Service provides a certificate of conformity of seed varieties and seed quality. ----09D

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