Azercell organized entertainment for children in need of special support

The local mobile phone company and Internet provider, Azercell organized entertainment for children in need of special support.

The project is organized screenings of cartoons for children from boarding schools, orphanages and other institutions for children. The first event in the framework of a social project was held on May 4. 50 children out of the public association "Myushvig" who specializes in helping children with disabilities, delivered by a special bus provided by Azercell, in Park Cinema for viewing 3D cartoon. While viewing the guide, free theater popcorn provided to children and refreshments.

Among the children were mainly those who first visited the modern cinema, equipped with modern equipment and had all the facilities to be visited by people in wheelchairs.

The project, which will be held each month, is the expansion of horizons of children and their awareness of themselves as full members of society.

In the following times have free access to film screenings will receive children from other orphanages, as well as from low-income families.

For more information, please visit

As the press service of the company, Azercell Telecom was founded in 1996 and maintains a leading position in the market since the early years of its activity.

Azercell implemented in Azerbaijan, a number of innovative technologies and concepts: GSM technology, GPRS / EDGE, 24/7 Call Center, providing a full range of services Azercell Express offices, etc.

The company's network, which is 53% of the mobile market, covers 99.8% of the population. - 17D-


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