BSE turnover for the 10 months amounted to 8.3 bn

The total turnover of transactions on all instruments at Baku Stock Exchange (BSE) in January-October 2012 amounted to 8,250.5 million manat, which is 35.7% more than the corresponding period in the previous year. In October, the exchange turnover was 350.97 million manat. 

According to the BSE, the share of government securities in the reporting period had 91.7% of all transactions. 

The increase in stock sales occurred at the expense of the government securities market, an increase of 37.5%. Turnover of transactions in the primary market of notes increased 37.7%. The volume of repo transactions increased by 42.5% 

The corporate securities market increased 18.5%. Operations on the primary placement of bonds decreased 3.6 times and the volume of secondary transactions in bonds - 19.7%. Primary market share grew by 4.3 times, and the secondary - by 24%. The number of transactions in the primary market increased from 119 to 207, and vice versa in the secondary fell from 2,940 to 2,850. - 15D - 


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