Company to prepare proposals on Financial Rehabilitation found

The company Central Audit has become a consultant to the State Committee for Property Affairs (SPC) to prepare proposals on Financial Rehabilitation in the opened the privatization of state enterprises. It is reported by the State Procurement Agency (SPA).

The tender results were made public on the website of SPA. SPC repeatedly conducted similar contests , but never informed the public about those businesses that need financial recovery . In its annual and quarterly reports, committee does not provide information about businesses that have improved their condition prior to the privatization.

Information about Central Audit is also poor. What is known is that it did not pay the membership fee of the Audit Chamber of Azerbaijan for 2012 .

The state budget annually allocates several million manat to control losses associated with the activities of state-owned enterprises and their financial recovery. Just this year, for this purpose 10 million manta was provided. How SPC manages these means is unknown. - 08B-


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