Construction of Buildings to Be Arranged

Changes have been made in the planning and construction codes.

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev signed a decree approving the Law "On Amendments to the Town Planning and the Building Code of Azerbaijan."

If before the bodies responsible for issuing building permits had a month to express their opinion regarding the provision of the resolution, now, according to the amendments, this period is reduced to 15 days.

Now the relevant executive authority must express its grievances about the architectural and planning section of the residential house of the customer within one month (previously it took three months). If within one month the relevant executive authority did not raise complaints about the project, the customer can begin construction.

The relevant body of Executive Power should give building permit, if it does not contradict the requirements of normative documents on urban planning and construction. The building permit is issued on the basis of a detailed development plan acting in respect of the territory.

If earlier in the absence of such a plan or its expiry, the possibility of issuing a building permit was checked in accordance with Article 11 of this Code, now it is added the rules of the scale, type of building and zoning, as well as the basic conditions for the construction in the settlements.

Also in the construction of residential buildings or facilities, which will have no more than two floors (three meters each) with the total area no more than 1,400 square meters and the construction area up to 1,000 square meters, only the architectural and planning section of the project should be submitted. --17D-

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