Coronavirus captures developed countries?

Baku / 30.03.20 / Turan: According to the data of Johns Hopkins University as of March 29, 732153 people around the world have contracted a coronavirus infection. Of these, 152314 were cured, 34041 died. During the day, the number of infected increased by 74.5 thousand people.  The USA ranks the first in terms of the number of infected - 143055, 2513 died, 4865 were cured. Then comes Italy - 97698/10779/13030.

Spain - 85195/7340/16780.

China - 82198/3038/75916

Germany -62435/541/9211.

France - 40723/2611/7226.

Iran - 38309/2640/12391

United Kingdom - 19788/1231/151

Switzerland - 15069/312/1823

Belgium - 11899/513/1527

Netherlands - 10930/772/253

Most coronavirus covered Europe, USA, and Southeast Asia.

Least of all are the countries of Africa, Latin America, the CIS, where the countries are hundreds, tens, and even units of infected people. It can be seen from the indicators that coronavirus is rampant in countries with a high standard of living, including high incomes, the quality of medicine, and vice versa, it is less evident in third world countries. What is the reason? So far, no clear answer to this question has been found on the net. — 0—


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