Five business projects awarded grants Azercell

The final of the contest held since May this year by the innovation center Barama of Azercell with the support of the U.S. Civilian Research and Development was conducted. The competition program of scientific and technological enterprises (PNTP) aims to promote entrepreneurship in Azerbaijan and project support start-up.

In the last 6 months, the participants of the project, developing their business plans in the field of information, mobile, and "green" (environmental) technologies, have applied for a grant. U.S. experts and local specialists delivered a variety of presentations in the field of information technology and shared their experiences. To participate in the contest received a total of more than 70 applications, 12 of which were in the final stage of the competition.

Took part in a ceremony on December 7, President of Azercell Kiril Gaburici said that Azercell will continue to support such projects. He also noted the role of the Innovation Center of Azercell Barama constantly creating opportunities for young people to realize their ideas. Spoke at the event and congratulated the winners of the Head of the Ministry of Communications and ICT AR A. Temirov.

The Jury selected the following winners: the 1st place was given to the author of the project "Robot Gardener" Kamran Samedli, the second place - to the project manager "" Rena Akhmedova, the third place – to the project "Portal on Internet sales" by Arif Javadov and the fourth place - the author of the" Shopping Guide "Rufat Babakishiev. Furthermore, the author of another project Teymur Kuseba was awarded a grant for an internship in a known U.S. university.

U.S. Civilian Research and Development for over 16 years implementing technology projects in more than 30 countries in Eurasia, the Middle East and North Africa through training, grants, technical resources and to support international scientific and technological cooperation. The main purpose of the innovation center of Azercell Barama is the study of new ideas in the field of ICT, their development and enforcement. - 17D-


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