Net Mobile Operator’s Profit Increased Twofold

Ltd. Azercell Telecom via its corporate website announced the consolidated financial statements for 2015, according to which the company's net profit compared with the year 2014 increased by 2 times and amounted to 254.1 million manats.

In 2015, for services rendered to customers the company's revenues amounted to 410.8 million manats, 5.2% less than in the previous year. However, due to the fact that Azercell Telecom converted the proceeds into foreign currency, the devaluation of the manat let the company gain extra 154 million 790 thousand manats.

In 2015, the payment of dividends to the shareholders by Azercell Telecom was 130 million AZN. As of January 1, 2016, the company’s retained earnings reached 725 million manats.

The sole shareholder of Azercell is Azertel Telekommunikasion Yatirim Dis Ticaret A.S. (Turkey).   ----08D

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