No Mortgage Loan Issued This Summer

The banks authorized by the Azerbaijan Mortgage Fund (AMF) did not give any mortgage loan in August.

Judging by the Fund's basic indexes, the figures as of June 1 are valid; according to them, 17,997 mortgage loans totaling 730,802,420 manats were granted. That is, in the summer there was stagnation, but since the beginning of the year there has been issued a total of 72 credits in the amount of 1 million 64.9 thousand manats; 15 thousand manats for each request.

The consequences of last year's devaluation are only now being felt. So 2,146 loans totaling 97 million 273.98 thousand manats were issued last year. According to experts, the banking crisis is in the middle and the little benefit mortgage lending (banks' profit is 8% per year) has been postponed indefinitely.

Recall mortgage lending has been introduced in Azerbaijan since 1 January 2006. Concessional lending (4% a year) stopped in July 2007, while lending on the general principles has been permanently frozen since June 1, 2016.    --17D-

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