Scientists did not confirm organic origin of oil

 The scientists have discovered heavy hydrocarbons, mixture of which is oil, in the mantle of the Earth and diamonds, and also received them in the labs, which put in questions the theory of organic origin of oil, Academician Nikolai Pokhilenko, Director of the Institute of Geology and Mineralogy of the Siberian division of the Russian Academy of Sciences, told RIA Novosti.

Russian Oil reported that origin of oil causes heating debates. Majority of scientists support the biogenic theory, according to which oil is formed of residue of live organisms, mainly plankton.

  “We have built the installation and started looking at micro and thousandth of millimeters of fluids in the diamonds. We have found very heavy hydrocarbons there, where the molecule has up to 16 atoms of carbons. We also started looking at the mantle minerals, where we have also found heavy hydrocarbons,” said Pokhilenko.

“This is a principally new data about the possibility of formation of heavy hydrocarbons in the mantle of the Earth. We have to recreate the conditions of their formation in the lab. This is a principally new and interesting result. We were the first to do that,” Academician said.

“There is a question of non-organic origin of oil. Such heavy hydrocarbons could be formed in such conditions. The next question is how did life happen there? It was believed that there is nothing but methanol on the depth and if we find such molecules, then where is the source of life,” concluded Pokhilenko.


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