Seminar-workshop on the promotion of labor law in Sumgait

The problem of enforcement of law on labor, health, social protection and safety is one of the priority directions of activity and social protection of the population. Yesterday Sumgait hosted a seminar-workshop with the participation of heads of about 60 public and private enterprises from the city and the Khyzy district.

In the department of public relations of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection they told Turan that the head of the regional state labor inspectorate number 7 Shafa Aliyev spoke about the rights of workers, including the principles of medical and social protection of labor. Head of the Department of Health of the city of Sumgait Alekber Taghiyev touched aspects of decent work and a safe environment for employment areas.

Subjects of private enterprise, taking advantage of low literacy individuals and situations in the labor market (low wages, unemployment among young people and women, etc.) try to avoid the conclusion of individual employment contract and do not provide the workers with uniforms and footwear. In many companies employees can not take advantage of the right to receive vacation and holiday pay, wages for overtime, 41-hour work week, etc. The attempts of workers to enforce their rights usually threaten them with loss of the job. - 08D-


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