SOCAR to start construction of carbamide plant in Georgia in 2013

SOCAR is waiting for the Georgian Economy Ministry to give the status of industrial zone to the area, where it is going to build a carbamide plant, reported Georgian Kommersant radio citing employees of the SOCAR representation in Georgia.

The company has already requested the Georgian government to give a status of a free industrial zone for construction of the plant.

"We plan to get the status this year. This will let us to determine the territory of the future plant, create infrastructure and start work for future construction," the company said.

SOCAR will build a carbamide plant between Poti and Kulevi ports on the Black Sea coast. Construction will begin in 2013. It is planned to build two identical plants in Azerbaijan and Georgia.

The carbamide production plant, which is under construction in Sumgait city, 35 km north of Baku, will make 700,000 tons of products a year and as soon as the country's need in this product is satisfied, part of carbamide will be exported to the Black Sea markets. Considering the volume of carbamide, which will be made in Georgia, SOCAR intends to bring about 1 million tons of carbamide to the Black Sea market. --0--


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