State Budget Businesses Rendered Services for 2.6 Million AZN

In the first quarter of the year state budget enterprises were rendered services in the amount of 2.6 million manat (+ 36.8%), the State Statistics Committee said.

The total volume of public utilities and telecommunication services in this segment amounted to 32.2 million manat (minus 4.2% as of 1 April of the previous year). In absolute numbers, it looks like this. Most of the funds went to energy consumption - for 306.1 million KW / h 18.3 million manat (minus 12%), for 5.4 million cubic meters of water - 4.4 million manat (minus 11.8% ), for 64.1 thousand Gcal of thermal energy - 1.8 million manat (+ 0.9%), for 51.1 million cubic meters of natural gas - 5.1 million manat (+ 10.1%).

Earlier, Turan reported the unpaid debt of state budget organizations to provide their utilities and telecommunication services was 8.2 million manat or almost a quarter (25.5%) of the total value. The largest debts were on electricity - 4.8 million manat and for natural gas - 1.7 million manat. --17D-

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