Strengthening of AZN Results from Temporary Personal Interest - Natig Jafarli

In the foreign exchange auction Feb. 14 the offer was 35 million dollars, and the demand was 37 million dollars, the executive secretary of the movement Republican Alternative (REAL), economist Natig Jafarli said.

“Despite the fact that the demand exceeded the supply by 2 million dollars, the dollar fell from 1.7301 to 1.7296 manat. so there are no floating rates. This is the result of a narrow, temporary personal interest,” Jafarli said.

Recall that after prolonged growth in the dollar, which started from the middle of October 2016, in February 2017 the manat strengthened sharply. In February, the national currency has strengthened by 19 kopecks from 1.92 to 1.72967 manat per US dollar. -----71D

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