The problems of small business in Azerbaijan

The dependence of the Azerbaijani economy on the oil sector has been eliminated, and the process should be continued. Small business should become an important economic factor, and new jobs should be opened. These were the main points of today's conference, "Road Map to Small Business Development in Azerbaijan, " organized at the initiative of the Embassy of the United States, with the support of USAID. The event was attended by members of parliament, representatives of governments, international organizations, NGOs and experts.

With the support of the U.S. government think-tank group in Azerbaijan (the Foundation for Entrepreneurship Development Economics, the Center for Economic Research, the Center for Assistance to Economic Initiatives, the Center for assistance to small and medium-sized businesses, the World Association of Carpets, the youth organization, "Bridge to the Future" ), a package of proposals for the development of small business was developed this past year, said the head of the Foundation for Promotion of entrepreneurship and market economy, Sabit Bagirov .

According to him, 83 % of the economy - it's the private sector. Despite some steps for the development of the private sector, the formation of the legal environment, there is a problem in the improvement of the legislation.

Charge d' Affaires of the U.S., Derek Hogan, called business development a way to stability.

"If countries give people the opportunity to compete, then thousands will take advantage of it. They can do a lot for the stability and future of the country," he said.

The deputy of Milli Mejlis, Vahid Ahmadov, noting the creation of a legislative framework for business development, noted the existence of certain problems. Recent events in the Russian Federation, the return of migrants, require the development of small and medium-sized businesses, and this requires a government program. It is necessary to ensure the work for people returning from Russia.

On the other hand, since 2012, there is a decline in oil production and this process will increase annually by 5.6 %. Therefore, we need to develop the non-oil sector where there is an annual growth rate of 10-11%.

Growth in the non-oil sector exceeds the growth in other areas by five times. "However, the share of small business in the economy is only 2%. In Europe, the figure is 50-60 %, said Bagirov. -03C06-


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