Vagit Alekperov, just like Turan, predicts the price of oil at $75 per barrel

Vagit Alekperov, president of the  oil company "LUKOIL", said that the price of oil in the medium term is stabilized at $75 per barrel. We will probably see a gradual reduction in the rate of extraction and stabilization of the market at no more than $75 per barrel in the medium term of 3-7 years, he said, speaking at a conference in 2015 IHS Ceraweek US oil capital of Texas.

Alekperov  hoped  that  the OPEC summit to be held next week will adopt decision on  the reduction of quotas. He justified his optimism  by the fact that the Middle East due to the tense situation in the region is in need of huge funds. In the article published by  Turan news agency  on  March 10, 2015

"In 2016, the oil price will not be lower than $90/barrel," predicted that oil prices for  brent in the second half of 2015 should rise to $75/bbl., but not above $90/bbl., and in 2016 they will reach the threshold of $90/bbl. That is the conclusion  made by Turan  after  the analysis of political, not economic reasons for the sharp fall in oil prices ( —0-

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