A Number of Parties Unite in Advisory Council

Presentation of a new structure called the "advisory council of democratic forces" (ACDF) was held in the media center today.

Representatives of 12 parties signed the Regulation on ACDF, and one of the parties will have an advisory vote. Three more parties are discussing the possibility of joining.

According to the Regulation, the new structure will fight for a democratic environment for the elections and the change of power through democratic elections.

Leadership of the council will be managed by the presidents of the included parties in alphabetical order. Entry into ACDF and leaving it is possible by simply warning the members. Decisions of ACDF will be advisory in nature.

After the signing ceremony, members of ACDF evaluated the new association. It was emphasized that ACDF is to become another serious union of the opposition, which should bring about positive change and reform.

ACDF includes the following parties: Aydinlar (Gulamhuseyn Alibeyli), Open Society (Sulhaddin Akbar), Azadlig (Ahmed Orudj), Azad Azerbaijan (Hasan Hasanov), Boyuk Azerbaijan (Elshad Musayev), Secular Party Bozgurd (Shakir Ulubey), Islamic Democratic Party (Tahir Abbasli), Classic Popular Front (Mirmahmud Miralioghlu), Liberal Party (Avaz Temirkhan), Liberal Democrats (Fuad Aliyev), Milli Istiqlal (Yousif Bagirzadeh), Green Party (Mais Gulaliyev) and the Democratic Party (Sardar Jalaloglu) - this party will have a deliberative vote in ACDF. -05C04-


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