Airports in the liberated territories of Azerbaijan will enter the ICAO register

Baku/11.25.20/Turan: The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has confirmed the inclusion of six more airports in Azerbaijan in the catalog of international location indices, the press service of AZAL (Azerbaijan Airlines CJSC) reported on November 25.

“It is noteworthy that the updated register of the international organization, along with the airports in Zabrat, Yevlakh and Naftalan, will also include air harbors located in the territories liberated under the leadership of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev - in Agdam, Fizuli and Khankendi. This is another confirmation that international aviation structures recognize the territorial integrity of our country,” added AZAL President Jahangir Asgarov.

These airport codes will be added to the updated ICAO Document 7910/178, which will be published in December 2020.

Responsibility for air navigation services within the internationally recognized borders of Azerbaijan is assigned to AZANS Air Traffic Control in accordance with the principles of the Chicago Convention (ICAO document No. 7300). The boundaries of this responsibility are approved by the ICAO Council; and they correspond to the sovereign territories of Azerbaijan.

AZAL notes that ICAO has repeatedly reaffirmed and designated the absolute sovereignty of Azerbaijan in the airspace over its territory.

Position indicators are checked by ICAO for compliance with the provisions of Document No. 7910/178. Changes to the quarterly document are introduced only after appropriate consideration.

“For almost 30 years, the country's airspace over the occupied territories has been closed to international flights. The civil aviation infrastructure in the area has been severely damaged and is in complete decline. In order to ensure international flights, work will be carried out to restore air navigation support over the territories that have been under Armenian occupation for many years. All this will contribute to the development of civil aviation not only regionally, but also globally,” the AZAL press release concludes. — 06D-


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