Armenia simplifies getting citizenship for Armenians from Syria


On July 26 the Armenian government has simplified the procedure  of getting citizenship for Armenians  from  Syria, who want to  immigrate to Armenia.

   According to the Minister of Diaspora  Granush Akopyan, currently Armenian passports to foreigners  is issued in the Office of Visas and passports of the Armenian police.

  From  today, in some cases, it is  proposed to issue passports in the diplomatic and consular missions of Armenia abroad.

    The Minister noted that due to recent events in Syria,  thousands of Syrian and Lebanese Armenians appealed to the Armenian authorities with a request to obtain citizenship.

    At the same time, Syrian Armenians themselves claim that there is no specific government programs  to facilitate the resettlement from  Syria  to Armenia, and the establishment of suitable conditions for their stay.

    A lot of entrepreneurs Armenians from Syria wanted to move their business in Armenia, but on coming to their historical homeland,  and familiarizing  with the "rules of the game there,", they  immediately rejected this idea. They are scared  by the laws and lawlessness in Armenia," quotes an anonymous source  Arminfo agency.

    According to him, the laws governing the economic sphere in Armenia, do not create the conditions for profitable business. "Taxes in Armenia are too high, and if you act in a legal field, you can easily go bankrupt, but the worst  thing is that even these laws often do not work. The attitude  in Armenia to the  Armenians of the Diaspora, especially entrepreneurs  is well known: one should only give bribe  to a senior official, to pay something to tough guys,  and  along with all of this,  to pay high taxes. In general, the business environment in Armenia,  does not attract the Armenians of Syria to invest in their historic homeland.

    At the same time he noticed  that a large flow of Armenians  from Syria to Armenia, has led to a notable increase in the price not only  of flights Aleppo-Yerevan-Aleppo, but also for  apartments in Yerevan and the regions.

    Speaking about the situation in Syria itself,  he said that the  crisis is  worsening day by day: "Until recently, the Armenian-populated Aleppo was relatively calm, but over the past four days the city was under constant fire, people are afraid to  go out to the streets, and  there is no hope  for stability," summed up the source. -02D-


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