CEC:   by 17:00 turnout at the referendum has reached 63.6% (UPDATED)

Baku / 26.09.16 / Turan  By 17.00 in the referendum  for amendments to the Constitution  voted  3,348,535 voters. Thus, according to the head of the  CEC information center Farid Orujov, the turnout was 63.6%. -06D-

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2016 September 26 (Monday) 16:06:44

Baku / 26.09.16 / Turan: According to official data of the CEC, by  15:00 more than half of electors  voted  at the referendum  on amendments to the Azerbaijani Constitution. At a press conference, the head of the information center of the Secretariat of the CEC Farid Orujov, by 15:00 voted  2,833,064 of 5,267,111 voters. Thus, the turnout was 53,8% .- 06D—

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2016 September 26 (Monday) 13:24:24

Baku / 26.09.16 / Turan: According to the CEC of Azerbaijan, 30.6% of the voters, or 1,613,879 people voted at the referendum by 12:00.  -02D-

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Baku / 26.09.16 / Turan: According to the CEC, by 10:00 a.m. the referendum on amendments to the Azerbaijani Constitution was attended by 680,438 voters or 12.9% of the total number of voters – 5,267,111 people.

Meanwhile, there are reports on violations. For example, at the polling station set up in School No 108 in the Mashtaga settlement ballots were issued to students of Grades 8-10, who have not reached the voting age. It is reported by Radio Azadlig with reference to the voter Kamran Gasimov.

‘By 9 a.m., the ballot boxes were filled with ballot papers. I myself was offered to take a few of them,’ Gasimov said.

The head of the polling station commission Sevinj Rufullayeva denied the information about violations of the law. According to her, there was only one young man who wanted to “make some noise”; he insulted the teachers and left.

A doctor from the Ministry of Health told Turan that, while she lives in the Yasamal district, the management ordered her to go and vote in the Nasimi district of the capital. She was threatened with dismissal for refusing to do so.

Many other workers of state budgetary organizations and civil servants are in the same situation. -06D--

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