Civil society of Nakhchivan: tyranny in the region does not weaken

Civil society of  Nakhchivan made a statement  on the  next wave of repression of dissidents in the region.

Thus, journalists  Ilgar Nasibov and Elman Abbasov were attacked  in the  Sadarak Customs, where they arrived on December 8 to investigate complaints  of the entrepreneur M.Gurbanov.

After the journalists introduced themselves,  about 40 customs officers, headed by deputy Customs, Mirmamed Seyidov, attacked the press and beat two representatives  of M.Gurbanov.

When reporters tried to take video  of what was happening, they also were attacked.

The Customs representatives crushed  the  journalists’ car,  and tried to pull them out of the car. Customs officers seized their voice recorders, video camera and  they were led by Mirmamed Seyidov. When journalists and businessmen tried to leave, they  were blocked  by trucks, and were held under siege for three hours.

After the information about the incident was published in media  and international organizations were informed, the journalists were released, but the entrepreneur and his staff were arrested,  no one knows their  whereabouts. 

On December 9 police arrested  a journalist Eldostu Mehdiyev, and  arrested his car.

In this regard,  the Resource Centre for Development of NGOs and Democracy, "called on local and international human rights organizations to express their attitude to such tyranny, and see the situation on the spot.-05D- 


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