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Açiq mənbələrdən foto.

Baku/19.05.21/Turan: Despite the decision of the European Court of Human Rights on the adoption of " provisional measures" by the Azerbaijani authorities in the case of the former ambassador to Serbia and former prosecutor Eldar Hasanov, he has not been hospitalized yet. Lawyer Javad Javadov told the Turan news agency.

"The European Court of Human Rights, in accordance with Rule 39 of its Regulations, decided on 7 May that Eldar Hasanov should be urgently transferred from the pre-trial detention centre to a State Security Service hospital, undergo a medical examination and undergo surgery.

For reasons unknown to us, Eldar Hasanov has still not been placed in hospital, and in fact the decision of the European Court remains unimplemented," the lawyer said.

According to him, the defence has informed the Strasbourg Court about this.

"Eldar Hasanov's condition remains severe," the lawyer said.

* Earlier, on 16 April, in an appeal to the country's authorities, lawyers noted that Hasanov suffered severe spinal pain and was actually in a pre-paralytic condition. " He is suffering from increasing heart pains on the background of an severe form of diabetes. If there is no qualified medical intervention in the near future, there will be a serious threat to his life," the statement said.

In their turn, the press service of the General Prosecutor's Office responded to Turan agency's enquiry that the case against Hasanov was being conducted objectively and a forensic medical examination had been appointed on the basis of the defence's appeals.

**We should remind that Eldar Hasanov, who was Azerbaijan's ambassador to Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina, was arrested on 13 August 2020 by the State Security Service, and on 14 April the Sabail Court in Baku arrested him on charges: misuse of his official position (308.2), illegal spending of budgetary funds (308-1.1 of the Criminal Code of the country).

In the 1990s, the ambitious Eldar Hasanov served as the country's general prosecutor and was dismissed for no apparent reason. Later, government circles began to spread the view that Hasanov had a claim to power and was seen by certain circles as a possible successor to Heydar Aliyev.

Rumours of Hasanov's political ambitions circulated later, after he was transferred to a diplomatic position.-06D-


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