European Court Upheld Eighteen Complaints against Government of Azerbaijan

The European Court of Human Rights today announced decisions on 18 complaints of Azerbaijan. The lawyer Asabali Mustafayev, who was speaking representative in 13 of these cases, told Turan.

His clients complained of administrative arrest for participation in protest rallies.

The ECHR in particular satisfied complaints of the opposition activists Mamed Ibrahim, Abulfaz Gurbanli, Rufat Hajibeyli, Elshad Budagov, Orkhan Jarchiyev, Vagif Halygov, Hafiz Farhadi, Elchin Jarullayev, Ingilab Kerimov, Shakir Abbasov, Zulfugar Eyvazov, Tazakhan Miralamli and Bahruz Hasanov.

The Court found a violation of their rights under Articles 5 (right to liberty and security), 6 (right to a fair trial), 7 (illegal punishment) and 11 (right to freedom of assembly).

All of them have been assigned equal compensation totaling 165 thousand Euros.

Mustafayev said that since the beginning of the year 20 decisions were made on similar cases from Azerbaijan. On 15 of them Mustafayev spoke as a representative.

"The adoption of 20 decisions on similar cases is an indicator of systemic deficiencies and administrative practices. I advise the authorities who often claim that "we have the independence of the courts and all rights are provided" to read the decision," said Mustafayev.

Today, the ECHR announced decisions on complaints about violations during the elections. Thus, it satisfied the complaints of the oppositionists Nureddin Mammadli, Dunyakhanim Jarullayeva, Iltizam Akperli (representative of all the three was a lawyer and human rights defender Intigam Aliyev) and Nobatali Palangov. Each of the applicants will be paid compensation of 10 thousand Euros and 4,000 for the court costs.

In addition, the ECHR announced the decision on the complaint by Rustam Damirov (representative was lawyer Shafa Jamalzadeh) on the violation of his property rights and agreed to pay him compensation in the amount of 20 900 euros. -06D-

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