Isa Gambar shames judges considering the case of NIDA activists

Today  Baku Serious Crimes  Court chaired by  Javid Huseynov continued preliminary hearing in the case of the seven activists of NIDA Movement and Ilkin Rustamzade, the member of the  "Free Youth" Movement.

They are charged with preparing the riots during protests on March 10 in Baku. Initially, the young people were charged with illegal possession of weapons and / or drugs.

On these charges in March and April were arrested members of the NIDA Movement  Mahammad Azizov , Bakhtiyar Guliyev , Shaheen Novruzlu , Rashadat Akhundov, Uzeyir Mammadov , Rashad Hasanov, and Zaur Gurbanly .

Ilkin Rustamzade  from the "Free Youth" Movement was arrested in May.

He  and Guliyev  are accused of disorderly conduct, and, in particular for performing the “Harlem Shake” dance on the boulevard.

During the preparatory meeting of November 5  the lawyers made ​​a petition to dismiss the criminal case, and if the petition is  not satisfied, the defense will ask to change the measure of restraint on house arrest. A preparatory meeting was postponed to November 14.

The leader of the party " Musavat" Isa Gambar , head of the Popular Front Party, Ali Kerimli , former MPs  Arzu Samadbayli  and Panah Huseyn came to court to support the young  people. 

When the trial was opened Gambar stood up and addressed to the defendants; he said that the youth is the pillar of the nation, and  it is a shame  to  haunt young people for their political views.

He called on the judges to release young people. "You are grey-headed people, rather than to release innocent people, you tell here about some procedural rules," Gambar said.

In response, the presiding judge Cavid Huseynov warned about the responsibility for violation of the order during the trial.

In response Gambar, Samadbayli and  Huseyn demonstratively left the hall.

Then the floor was given to a lawyer Khalid Bagirov, protecting the rights of Rustamzade  and Gurbanly.

He pleaded , first of all to free young people from the iron cage, and let them sit with lawyers. "This violates the principle of equality of the sides and adversarial  of proceedings , as well as confidentiality of communication  of he accused with their defenders," Bagirov said.

He further pointed to the falsification of evidence, not coincidence  of operative  video with the records  of searches.

Bagirov also stated not consistency  of accusing Rustamzade  and Guliyev of disorderly conduct, absence of victims of physical damage on the episode.

According to him , the defense has thousands of dance videos “Harlem Shake”, performed all around the world. Moreover, this dance is performed  by the representatives of the pro-governmental youth movement "Irali" .

Bagirov also noted that the alleged video for which  he is  being accused  was posted by another blogger, and there  cannot be any  responsibility for online video.

"But if the prosecution is so concerned about the sculpture on the boulevard , then let they find out the damage  caused  by the dance," Bagirov said.

Another lawyer Elton Guliyev said that  the arrest of young people is the humiliation of honor and dignity. Bagirov also petitioned  about taking video records of the trial. Both lawyers again made a motion to dismiss the criminal case.

Then the judge  postponed the hearing for 15:00 on November 21.

It is expected that Court will express attitude to the petitions.—03C06--


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