Musavat to Present Documents for Registration of Campaign Group to CEC

The Musavat Party gathered the required number of voter signatures for registration of a campaign group on referendum on constitutional amendments. Turan was told by the head of the apparatus of Musavat, Gulaga Aslanli.

According to him, the initiative group Republic collected over 41 thousand signatures of voters and during normal business hours on August 22 the documents will be submitted to the CEC for registration of a campaign group of the same name.

Aslanli noted that during the campaign to collect signatures the party activists faced with pressure. This was the case in Tartar, Barda, Gazakh, Jalilabad, Ganja and other places.

So, the sheets with the signatures collected by the activists were torn, the activists were detained and the voters were intimidated.

In total, petitions with about 5,000 voter signatures have been stolen. Nevertheless, the party will present 41,000 signatures of voters and other due documents to the CEC today.

Musavat opposes the amendments to the Constitution, considering them as being against democracy and strengthening authoritarianism in Azerbaijan.

Recall that the deadline for registration of documents of propaganda groups will expire at 18.00 on 22 August.

To date, the CEC has registered three campaign groups, New Azerbaijan, Municipality and Civil Society, which intend to campaign in support of the amendments to the Constitution.

The referendum is scheduled for September 26. -05D06--

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