Negotiations of Mamedyarov-Mogherini

Baku / 09.02.18 / Turan: On Friday, Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov and European Union High Commissioner for Foreign Affairs, Federico Mogherini, held talks in Brussels. At a joint press conference following the meeting, Magherini said that the parties discussed the entire range of bilateral issues, including the Karabakh settlement and energy projects. At the same time, she noted that for the European Union issues of democracy, human rights and the rule of law remain priority.

"It is important for Azerbaijan to fulfill its obligations in these matters," she said, adding that these issues include elections in accordance with international standards, the right to freedom of assembly, and freedom of the press. According to her, this is especially important now, on the eve of the presidential elections. Touching upon the Karabakh issue, Magherini said that the conflict should be settled only peacefully. She called the resumption of the negotiation process very important, urging the parties to reduce the level of tension on the contact line.

In turn, Mammadyarov said that Azerbaijan shares all the values ​​of Europe and at the present time a new stage in the mutual relations of the two sides begins. In particular, he expressed satisfaction with the results of the talks on the conclusion of a partnership agreement between Azerbaijan and the European Union. -16D-

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