NIDA activist states about torture in MNS

 Trial in the case of seven activists of NIDA and member of the organization "Free Youth", Ilkin Rustamzade, continues in the Baku Serious Crime Court chaired by Javid Huseynov on December 18.

At the beginning of the  trial Rustamzade made ​​an oral request , and requested permission for audio and video recording.  He also pointed out the invalidity decision not to extend his arrest without a judicial decision.

The accused Rashad Hasanov demanded explanations  of the cause to transfer the previous meeting on December 12. Another accused Rashadat Akhundov said about  the lack of independence of the court,  because  the judged postponed a meeting  for December 12 to participate in the funeral ceremony on the anniversary of Heydar Aliyev's death. According to Akhundov, the hall applauded. The judge dismissed the petition of  Rustamzade.

Defendants and lawyers also protested the meeting about the form of reference indicating the poor audibility in the hall.  The lawyer Elton Guliyev called on the court to ensure normal working conditions.

Then  interrogation of the accused Bakhiyar Guliyev. Prosecutor’s  question " Does your family know about your affairs " caused a  protest, and he refused to answer questions.

Then Shaheen Novruzlu  was offered to testify,but he refused and said that it would come after the investigation of evidence for the prosecution.

The judge read out  hi evidence to the investigation  on 7,8,9 March , April and September.

In primary testimonies Novruzlu said Guliyev allegedly asked him to make smoke bombs , and he said he did not know how to do it . In other testimony  it is argued that Guliyev allegedly spoke about the need to manufacture  " Molotov Cocktail" for use at the  rally.

In addition , it is noted that on the open page in Facebook activists  of NIDA, Rashad Hasanov, and others allegedly wrote about the need to overthrow the government. "Their main purpose was to commit revolution," allegedly said that the MNS Novruzlu . However, he refused this testimony , noting that  it was made under pressure.

"I was beaten ,  they threatened my family,  and knocked out  my four teeth. It made ​​a man  by name Qasim Mamedov," said Novruzlu. He confirmed the testimony given September 27, 2013 , where dismissed the charges. 

Responding to questions from the public prosecutor and lawyers , he recalled that when giving primary evidence  he had not yet reached adulthood.

It is contrary to law , since the interrogation of a minor must be in the presence of only a trusted lawyer , but his legal representative  is someone from the family. Further, Novruzlu refused to answer questions of the prosecutor. The  trial will continue at 10.30 on December 19.

The  young people are charged with preparing riots in protest at Fountain Square on March 10. They were also charged with illegal possession of weapons , drugs and disorderly conduct .

International human rights organization Amnesty International recognized all the accused “prisoners of conscience.”-16C06 –


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