Politicians and Experts about Appointment of Mehriban Aliyeva

“There is nothing sensational in this decision. It was expected,” the executive secretary of the movement REAL Natig Jafarli told Turan. “If it improves the management system and delimits the powers of the presidential administration and the Cabinet, then why not,” said Jafarli.

However, if this does not happen and overlap and duplication between these bodies continues, the decision will not have any value.

“Unfortunately, our predictions about the senseless referendum of 26 September were justified,” said in his turn, the head of the Center for Strategic Thoughts Isa Gambar, commenting on the appointment of Mehriban Aliyeva.

“Even then, we were told that the purpose of the referendum is to legitimize the establishment of the ruling family and clan power. This takes Azerbaijan to the Middle Ages feudal system and leads to worsening of relations, both in the ruling circles, and in general in the society,” he said.

Gambar said the international response to this assignment will be negative. “The international community will react negatively, and this is natural, as in the XXI century, the establishment of family power is unacceptable,” said Gambar.

The leader of the Popular Front Party Ali Kerimli said the appointment actually formalized the family power existing in Azerbaijan.

“When the power changed the Constitution, it was done for the sake of ensuring the family ambitions. First, the Constitution was changed twice, to open the way for Ilham Aliyev: in 2003 so that he could become President, and in 2009, to let him be elected President an unlimited number of times. Now the Constitution is changed so that the power could be easily handed over to his family members,” said Kerimli.

Such an appointment is not "respect" to the Azerbaijani people. This is a betrayal of the heritage of the nation, which 100 years ago for the first time created a republic in the Muslim world. This is an official step towards the establishment of a monarchy, absolute monarchy in Azerbaijan. I believe the Azerbaijani society will not accept the establishment of the de facto and de jure monarchy,” said Kerimli.

“We do not intend to put up with such an open falsification of the Constitution and usurpation by the family. In the framework of the Constitution and democratic principles, we will continue to fight for the restoration of republican principles,” summed up Kerimli. -06D-

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