The court does not release Natig Jafarli  on bail

 The Nasimi District Court rejected the appeal for the release of the Executive Secretary of the REAL Movement  Natig Jafarli on bail. According to Turan's lawyer Javad Javadov, protection apply for release  of Jafarli on bail  of his  wife’s apartment.

Jafarli participated in the  trial and supporting the petition, said about the absurdity of the charge against him  which has no legal basis. Jafarli also said that he was not going anywhere to escape. However, the judge rejected the petition. Defense intends to file an appeal.

Jafarli was arrested on August 12 late in the evening. On the night of 13September  the court chose against him a preventive punishment - arrest for 4 months.

Investigation Department for Serious Crimes of the General Prosecutor's Office brought charges against him under  the Articles 192.1 (illegal entrepreneurship) and 308.2 (abuse of power, resulting in serious consequences) of the Criminal Code.

Jafarli rejected the accusations. Shortly before his arrest, he sharply criticized the amendments to the Constitution submitted to referendum on 26 September. As one of the leading experts of the country Jafarli also criticized the government's economic policy. REAL Movement planned to conduct an active campaign against the amendments to the Constitution, which proposed a referendum on 26 September. According to most observers, just this caused his arrest Jafarli.  The Department of State, the European Union, many international NGOs have called on the Azerbaijani authorities to release Jafarli.--06D--

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